Fan Submissions
So, you want to send us something? Just email one of us with your file as an attachment. Send text-based fan works (such as fan fiction, poems, etc.) to Shredder, and send all other fan works (such as fan art, wallpaper, etc.) to Krang. Sending us your file won't guarantee that it will be put on the site, but all submissions will be considered by us. Also note that if we post your file on our site, you will be fully credited.
- Make sure your fan work involves Big O related characters or settings in some way.
- Be sure to include the title of your work along with the name you want to be credited as.
- Please remember to proofread, spell check, and grammar check all documents before sending them to us.
- We strive to be as original as possible, so we would prefer if your fan works are not hosted anywhere else (besides personal sites).
- Fan works containing obscene content will not be accepted.
- Please let us know before sending us excessively large (over 3MB) files.